Main Page

Professional and personal information for John Aughey Main Page

This is a place to find additional information about John Aughey - above and beyond what might be found in a Resume or online biography.

Of course, an online copy of my resume can be found here. However, I’d like to share additional activities that I am particularly proud of that contribute to my profressional character.

I have a YouTube channel of Rust instructional videos. It’s called The Rustic Programmer and has a lot of technical content.

Some of the instructional videos have corresponding blog posts.

Rosati-Kain 2019 I/ITSEC Trip

In 2019, I helped arrange and mentor two students from Rosati-Kain high school to attend the I/ITSEC conference in Orlando Florida. This effort was a special event within the Rosati-Kain coding club.

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Rosati-Kain Coding Club

Between 2016 and 2019, while my oldest daughter was attending, I founded the coding club at Rosati-Kain. I mentored student-driven projects including learning game design by creating a virtual world of their high school, building a Google Voice personal assistant, World Wide Technology STEM Student Forum, and the above mentioned trip to I/ITSEC.

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